Our goal is to make this web site your first source when looking for a game controller
or video game. The site will evolve and continue to provide even more great
information as we develop relationships in the community.
Our reviewers have a great deal of experience with a large variety of controllers and
games. All of the reviewers are "gamers", and test these controllers
on the kinds of games they were designed for (and when we try them in areas they
weren't designed for, we will let you know how they did, but we will not mark down a
game controller for poor performance in an area it was not designed for).
Our reviews will consist of anything we use. That includes game
controllers, games, pc's, consoles, and peripherals. If we use it,
we will likely be reviewing it.
We plan to work on periodic "special" comparison reviews, and we hope to be
inovative in how we review products.
If you have constructive comments or spot any errors, please
contact us.
Thanks for visiting. I hope you bookmark our site, tell your friends about it,
and consider it "Your First Stop for Game Controller and Game Reviews".