Version 2.0
Screen Examples
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Screen Examples
Use the screen links above to view pictures of actual screens.  A brief description of the screen is located below each picture.
This preview is a high level overview of just a few of our screens.  There are several more easy to use screens that allow you to customize the program for your personal use.
Additional Screens
Topic Overview
Personal Letter Creator Great for club secretaries or breeders that sell birds!  This feature allows you to generate mailings and automatically merge the letter with breeders from your breeder list, or highlight a specific bird and automatically merge details for that bird.  There are countless possibilities and two many things to list in a screen overview.
Reminder Contact Screen You can enter special dates of interest and a reminder screen (reading the date from your computer`s clock) will automatically pop up when you open LOFT PRO!
Feeding Screen Enter feeding/vitamin details and dates to help you track your results.  This feature can help you find out how vitamins you try or various feeding habits contribute to better race results!
Custom Grading Screen Grade your birds the way YOU want.  Our custom bird screen allows you to create your own scoring and category system that automatically attaches your grading records to each bird in your loft.  View reports on your own custom grading!
Race Results Screen Allows you to enter the race results of the top ten birds in the race (even birds not found in your loft) to allow you to compare the results with birds in your loft.  This feature is in addition to the race screen that automatically calculates your race results!
Notes Screen Enter as many notes as you like for each bird in your loft!  These notes are automatically displayed in the Notes tab at the bottom of the main bird screen.
And many more...